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june 11, 2001 // //

i'm so anal. i spent 3 hours smoothing out coco's bowl in my ceramics class. other people were starting on coil and slab method and i was busy evening out the bumpy areas of the bowl. took 3 hours but it's worth it because coco will have a pretty bowl for her food. only the very best for coco!


read a whole lotta magazines today: emigre, wired, newsweek, a magazine, and the fader. waste of time?. yeah, but i can't help it. i always have to finish all my magazines before starting any work. it's all about procrastination. and i'm a magazine junkie.


the bruise on my knee from yesterday is now blue/purple and hurts a lot. i also got a hepatitis b shot and that hurts, too.

royal elastics ad featuring lyrics born.

finding forrester. we were anxiously waiting to hear the part where sean connery's character says, "you da man now, dawg," in his scottish accent and when it happened, we had to rewind it and hear it again. it was fun to watch.

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